3rd Virtual International Conference

  19 / October / 2024

3rd Virtual International Conference #JusCorpus #T.S.MishraLawSchool #Successfully Conducted

It is a matter of great privilege and honour to inform that T.S. Mishra Law School in collaboration with its MOU partner Jus Corpus has successfully conducted the 3rd Virtual International Conference on the theme “Women’s Rights, Social Equity and Legal Transformation.”

The T.S. Mishra Law School has got the opportunity to be the INSTITUTIONAL PARTNER along with the institutions like:

  • Symbiosis Law School, Nagpur
  • Faculty of Law, Shariah and Governance, Villa College, Maldives.

The Conference was successfully held on 19th October, 2024, Saturday from 11:00AM to 4:30 PM on Zoom Online Platform.
The Conference started the addresses of the Keynote Speakers:

  • Prof. (Dr.) C. P. Singh, Dean, T.S. Mishra Law School, T. S. Mishra University, Lucknow
  • Prof. (Dr.) Vageshwari Deswal, Professor, Campus Law Centre-II, University of Delhi, Delhi.

The Presidential Address was given by Prof. (Dr.) Sukhvinder Singh Dari, Director, Symbiosis Law School, Nagpur who thanked T.S. Mishra Law School for becoming the institutional Partner at very short span of time.

The Technical Sessions of the Conference was Chaired by our two Faculty Members as Chairperson/Judges on respective themes:

  • Dr. Shipra Mishra (Judged Session 2): Women’s Digital rights and Privacy
  • Ms. Annapurna Trivedi (Judged Session 7): Legal Frameworks for protecting Women in India.

The T.S. Mishra Law School got this opportunity with the span of seven days after signing of MOU with Jus Corpus Flagship Event.