Physiotherapy Day

  13 / November / 2024

Physiotherapy Day

The Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Paramedical Sciences, T.S. Mishra University, Lucknow organizes Continuing Medical Education (CME), various competition in the form of Debate, Quiz & Talent Hunt & Skit to celebrate the World Physiotherapy Week. The students of the Bachelor & Diploma Physiotherapy course, took active participation in these events. All event was conducted with great motivation, discipline and enthusiasm.

The CME was conducted on 12 SEPTEMBER 2024, from 10:00 am to 02:00 pm on the topic “POSTURAL ASSESSMENT & MANAGEMENT THROUGH PHYSIOTHERPY” & was offered by Resource Person Dr. SANTOSH UPADHAYAY, MPT (Neuro), PhD in Physiotherapy & Owner of Extra Care Physiotherapy Centre Pvt Lmt.

The CME started with the Lamp lighting. Prof. (Dr.) Nityanand Upadhyay, Dean & Dr. Barka Bhatt, HOD Physiotherapy Department along with all faculty members were present during the event. Dean Sir praises the students with his encouraging thought for their active participation in CME.

The Resource Person shared his clinical experience about evaluating & treating the patient with abnormal posture. At the end of CME students got the certificate of participation. On 13 September 2024, Physiotherapy department conducted Debate, Quiz & Talent hunt competition in which students participated with high energy.

On 14 September 2024, Physiotherapy department conducted SKIT about “AWARENESS OF PHYSIOTHERAPY”. The skit was performed by Students of BPT IVth Sem & BPT IInd Sem.

The students participated in the events were awarded with certificate of appreciation and the awardees will be awarded by medals and appreciation certificate by the Hon'ble Pro- Chancellor, Executive Director, and Prof. (Dr.) Nityanand Upadhyay, Dean and all faculty members.